Life-giving Words Like Waterfalls

Breakers still pound the black rock shore that is the island of Patmos, scattering surf like crystal stars along the sandy slopes. John the prisoner would have been encouraged by the roar of these waves. Loudly they reminded him of the rhythm of God’s creation, held in order by the One in control. As surely as the waves chased each other ashore, so God’s order was to be accomplished in the world. Yes, even while one is imprisoned. Have you learned to see the constancy of his control in the created order?

An even more vivid form of comfort was found in those waves when John turned to see the voice speaking to him. Here’s his description: … and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters” (Revelation 1:15b). Is there a better way to describe the voice of God than to compare it to “mighty ocean waves?” The heftiest surf that ever pounded a seashore, the biggest breaker to break loose of its brothers, this is the panoramic sound of the life-giving voice of our God.

Next time you stand at a waterfall, think about that. Then when you get to heaven, you will recognize his voice as you forget to breathe! Christ’s voice is greater than the thunder breakers on Patmos. This is a voice to be listened to. This is a voice to be loved by and made alive by - every day through his Holy Word. My friend, this is a voice to stand in awe of.

John 5:25: “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.” Hebrews 1:3a: The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful wordJohn 17:17: Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.


Christ is speaking this universe into existence at every moment. When Christ speaks in his office as one who raises the dead decomposed matter obeys. And when Christ’s spoken or read truth is heard he makes us holy. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 3:22). Are you treating yourself to the Word of God on a daily basis?

I have a voice recording on my phone of my dad, now gone for 5 years this January 28th. “Hey Timmy, whup, whup, whup. It’s time to get up. It’s your dad and I love you (loud laughter)!” I cannot put into words what hearing that voice means to me. It’s so life-giving - and this from a mere mortal who loved me so dearly. Ah, my friend, you simply must hear more often the loving life-giving voice of the one like a waterfall!                                                                         


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