When the Joy Dries Up

“When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, ‘They have no more wine’” (John 2:2).

Let’s go to a wedding! The first one? A luxury marriage in Denver for an only daughter. This celebration cost dad $430, 000. “Joy will be ours on our daughter’s day no matter the cost.” Dad backed that boast with a sit-down dinner, full orchestra, 500 guests, 15, 000 long stem roses, and four open bars. An unexpected power outage crippled the orchestra. An uncle and aunt got punch drunk, literally. Finally, a revealed tryst by the groom shortly before the ceremony and what remained of happiness evaporated. When the joy runs dry to whom do you turn? 


The second wedding? A luxury miracle in the rural community of Cana for a peasant couple. Wine would be provided. Some of his disciples, Mary, his mother, and Jesus himself are there by invitation. Your Savior is not a killjoy. “Joy is the serious business of heaven,” said C.S. Lewis. Jesus intends to seriously share it as an all providing Bridegroom in all of life. 

Tragedy strikes. They run out of wine. Since eastern hospitality was a sacred honor, “shame on you” host and hostess. It’s an insult to those present and possible social isolation for the bridal party. In extreme cases, a lawsuit for a breach of treasured charity to the guests would be filed. Do you know what the last recorded words of Mary the mother of Jesus are in Scripture? The words she spoke to the servants at this peasant couple’s wedding. “Just do whatever he tells you!” Do you bring the same daily perspective to Christ’s words today? 

For centuries God made water, soil, vines, and sun into grapes which wine dressers pressed into juice so that, in the words of one commercial, “We serve no wine before it’s time.” What took months, even years, now in Cana took seconds. What usually took labor, holding vats and tools, now took only a look and this word of command: “Fill those six stone water pots to the brim with water.” The water looked at Jesus and blushed. Roughly 12 and 1/2 cases of 750ml bottles of the best Boudreaux mankind has ever tasted came from each of the six clay pots. “What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him" (John 2:11). Water to wine for our view of the divine. Grace for believing more firmly in Jesus was received. Majesty unveiled was seen.  

My friend when the wine “runs out” in your life are you turning to Jesus? When you fail in wisdom, resources, or to meet the righteous requirements of the law, Jesus your Groom has infinite love and power to restore your joy. Trust him. Jesus will provide the wine you need.  


Of Life and Lighthouses


Let God Read Your Letters