1 Step Closer Devotion

Eyes Like Flaming Fire

“… and his eyes were like blazing fire” (Revelation 1:14b).

For ten bucks you can get a four-inch plastic bobble head Jesus that bounces on your dashboard. One ad reads you can “stick him where you need forgiveness” and “he will guide you through the valley of gridlock.” Why, Dashboard Jesus has even become a bit of a cultural icon, selling out at times on Amazon. It’s easy to understand why.

To a lot of people Jesus is nothing more than a means to their own end. More of a rabbit’s foot redeemer is Christ, who gives me what I want in life or at least provides a smiling protective presence, as I go about living primarily for myself. Who knew years ago Billy Idol would still be singing for us today when he crooned, “I don’t care if it rains or freezes as long as I got my plastic Jesus riding on the dashboard of my car.” But that small sized view of Jesus is a myth. The Cosmic Christ is no good luck token seeing us only when we want. No, he’s powerful not plastic, seeing all, knowing all, and in the end judging all with flawless justice and unmatched mercy. Listen as John describes his eyes in the vision God gave him. “The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire” (Revelation 1:14).

Have you ever had someone look right through you? Let me ask the question differently. Do you have a mother you grew up with!? “Look me in the eye when I’m talking to you.” Jesus had and has even more penetrating vision than a mother. Christ’s piercing eyes went into one’s innermost thoughts and being. Peter knew what it was like to have Jesus look at him with eyes, “like flames of fire.” After Peter had denied him, “…the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered that the Lord had said…” (Luke22:61.)

Christ in heaven has a perfect view of all: “Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done” (Hebrews 4:13). The Mega-God sees within as well as without: “People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (I Samuel 16:7). Best of all those eyes of flame infuse a warmth of love and the assurance of sins forgiven once the Spirit has worked faith that Jesus saved us from our sin.

Remember the woman caught in adultery by the peeping Pharisees? Lawbreaker and lawgiver were all alone. Jesus saved her from those who would stone her “Has no one condemned you?” Timid words tumble from her lips. “No one sir.” Maybe she was looking into the “eyes that flame like fire” when she heard Jesus say those words that set her free: “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more” (John 8:11).

When I was a boy, I remember with my twin brother, hiding behind a sofa thinking no one could possibly see us for the disobedience we had done. Even God is looking for us, I thought and right now I don’t want him to find us. When we grow up and get it right we put plastic Jesus away. God always sees and comes and faces us with what he sees. Best to be found in the presence of those irresistible eyes like fire that infuse grace and mercy from a gracious God to a repentant heart through his Word. Eyes flaming like fire, friend - how are they seeing you now?

Amory Stephenson