Who Are We

Passion. Experience. Diligence.


Who are we?

We are Christ followers who love Jesus and are eager to share his forgiving love with others. Our church is located on Turkey Trot Road midway between Trimmier Road and Stage Coach Road in South Killeen. Please, check out the other pages of our website to learn more about us. If you have questions concerning our fellowship please, follow the "our beliefs" button below.



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Pastor Tim Soukup

5 facts about Pastor Tim:
1. He believes people - all people - are God’s true treasure.
2. His favorite sport is the one any of his 5 grand- kids are playing.
3. He lives in a divided home. Gretchen his wife loves to say: “The Pack is Back!” Pastor Tim loves to say: “Wa-a-ay Back. Go Bears!”
4. He has a Master of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary but has so much to learn about Jesus, his love, and sharing it with others.
5. “Joy is the serious business of heaven” is one of his favorite quotes.


Get in touch

Pastor Soukup is more than a Sunday morning preacher. He can assist you with Biblical counseling and general help in a variety of areas of personal concern that may be challenging to you at this time. Best of all, it is free and completely confidential.

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